Recently we had the opportunity to visit the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky (a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio). I highly recommend it! It is connected to Ken Hamm and Answers in Genesis, and it is worth the time and effort!
One of the first things we did, after a tour of the grounds, was to watch “Created Cosmos” in their planetarium, which means we were leaned back, looking at the ceiling, and were immersed in the video. In their words, the video “takes you to the outer reaches of the universe, gives you a perspective of how great God is and how small we are, and yet how much God’s focus is on earth and on us.”
(I’ve found a blog post, Earth in True Perspective, that walks you through the same comparison of the earth and the universe ─ without the spiritual emphasis, but it tells the same story.)
After viewing the movie, someone asked my daughter, Stephanie, how she was, to which she answered, “Feeling pretty small right now!” I could identify!
The earth seems so big to us. I’ve stood on top of Pike’s Peak and been impressed with the size of what I saw and, thereby, the size of the earth. The same thing happened to me when I stood on the edge of the Grand Canyon or looked at the ocean.
But these comparisons of Earth to the universe really put things in a different perspective. I for one, cannot look at them without feeling very small myself and without being impressed with, if the universe is that big, how much greater God must be!
Besides the creation account in Genesis 1, there are other places in the scriptures that confirm that God is the creator and sustainer of the universe, such as Psalm 19:1, Isaiah 48:13, and Hebrews 11:3. Solomon, the wisest man ever, said that the heavens could not contain Him (1 Kings 8:27). Wow! Now, that’s big!
Here’s the next mind-blowing thought: Jesus Himself, in Matthew 10:30, said that the very hairs of [our] heads are all numbered. It’s my understanding that this means, not that God knows how many hairs are currently on each of our heads (a pretty big job, considering some of us lose lots of hairs every day!), but that that the hairs each actually have a number.
Just think: This God that is so big that the universe can’t contain Him cares so much for each of us that He has even numbered our individual hairs.
How great is our God!
What a wonderful page to read! I have wanted to go to the Creation Museum for a while! I have been a supporter for a few years, and am looking forward to seeing the Ark encounter! Blessings to you and yours, sweet friend.
Hey Friend! so good to hear from you! I miss seeing you and I hope you are well! Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind words!
Many blessings to you as well!