If you’re like me, it’s easy to look around at our culture and get discouraged about the direction you see it going. However, recently Tim and I learned about some things that are going on in the Christian community that we think are very positive. So, rather than writing about teaching young children to help around the house, I wanted to tell you what encouraged us.
We attended the National Bible Bee competition at which we watched children in three different age groups–primary, junior and senior–recite passages of scripture on demand and answer questions about the Bible. (Just for the record, I got only two answers right in my head. 😛 At least one contestant had a correct answer to every question, and most of them got them right.)
Wow! To watch these young people, minds filled with scripture, standing in front of a crowd of several hundred people and reciting passages from the 805 verses they’d memorized was such a blessing and an encouragement to me.
I am reminded of the first verse I memorized after I became a Christian: “How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your word. … Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You” (Psalm 119:9, 11–NASB).
Think of it, since 2009, across the United States there have been 40,000 children committing the Word of God to memory through the National Bible Bee. They are learning to think God’s thoughts, renewing their minds (Romans 12:1-2). Think how far ahead of the average Christian they will be when resisting temptation, when witnessing to others, when making decisions!
Steve Green of Hobby Lobby fame told the audience about a project that he and others are working on—the Museum of the Bible. It will open next year in Washington, D.C., only a few blocks from the Capitol.
The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum
Ken Ham shared the status of the Ark Museum in northern Kentucky. We got to see video of this monumental undertaking, getting an idea of just how big the real boat was.
A common thread in these projects is the commitment to excellence. We saw it at the Bible Bee. They used technology to its fullness. The production was nothing less than what you would expect to see on network television. It was fast moving and kept people’s interest.
We have been to the Creation Museum, and it is top notch. They communicate the message of the Bible using the latest technology, robotics and many different types of media. Everything I saw this weekend convinces me that the Museum of the Bible and Ark Encounter will also be excellent.
I am very encouraged to see Christians proactively promoting the Bible and our faith. Of late we’ve been losing the public relations battle, and I’m very happy to see strides being taken to turn that tide.
Next post: Teaching Young Children to Help at Home (I promise!)
If you have children at home or grandchildren, check out these websites: National Bible Bee, Museum of the Bible, The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. A couple of them have Bible study curricula, and the museums would make great field trips or family vacations. It’s worth the trip!
At the very least, visit the websites of each of these organizations, and maybe you’ll be encouraged, too!
Very encouraging! 🙂